Working with Sweep command

           Sweep tool is used to sweep a 2D entity(circle, pline,etc.) along a path or curve. The object to be swept is also called as the cross-section of the solid.

            You can initiate this tool from the drop-down of Extrude tool in the modeling panel of the home tab OR else use SWEEP as the hot key within the command panel.

           Similar to extrude tool, you have two modes :

  1. Solid mode &
  2. Surface  mode
As per your requirement, you can switch between the two.

           As you initiate the tool,it first prompts you to select the 2D entity to swept. Select it and after selecting it press Enter. Then you will be prompted to select the path or curve along which you want to sweep the 2D entity. Select it and press Enter.

Various options available within the Sweep tool are :

1. Alignment :

           This is used to align the 2D entity with the specified path or curve. On invoking this option, the command prompt asks you whether you want to align the 2D entity with the path or curve. There, you need to select Yes or No option.

2. Base Point :

          This option is used to specify a point on the 2D entity that will be attached to the path while sweeping it.

3. Scale :

          This option is for the appearance of the cross-section at the two ends of the path. Using this, you can specify a scale (enlarged scale or reduced scale) for one of the ends. For example, picture below shows a pentagon swept with a scale of 2.

Hope, seeing this, scale option must have got clearer to you.

4. Twist :

             Using this option, you can provide a twist to your model. This is done by specifying a twist angle. This angle varies from 0 to 360. For example, picture below shows a pentagon swept with a twist angle of 180.

What if both Scale and Twist are assigned a value ?

          Here, the question arises what will happen to the swept solid if both the options are assigned a value ?
         Well, the swept object will be of shape such that it performs for both the values. For example, picture below shows a pentagon swept with scale of 2 and twist angle of 180.

 Hope, you all have understood the use of various different options available within the Sweep tool.

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